Counselling on Addictions and Compulsive Behaviours


Treatment for alcohol abuse, drug addiction, other addictions.

Addiction counsellinge live in a society in which our access to sources of pleasure is virtually unlimited. This sounds like a good thing, except that one's search for gratification can interfere with overall functioning. Addictions and compulsive behaviours can develop and the issue can get out of control.

Apart from alcohol addiction support, help and treatment Dr. Demsky has vast experience in the fields of drug addiction counselling, treatment and help, as well as substance misuse treatment and sex addiction support. More information

Dr. Kenneth Demsky PhDDr. Kenneth Demsky is an American psychologist who settled in London, UK in September 2004. Born and Raised in New York City, Kenneth Demsky maintained a private practice in Boston, Massachusetts for 12 years prior to his relocation to London.

He brings 29 years of clinical experience and a great deal of compassion to the psychotherapeutic encounter.



To ask  for information or to arrange an appointment,
please call Kenneth Demsky, PhD
020 7435 6116
or send an e-mail to